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  • Katrina

It all starts with an Idea...

For those who know me well, know that I lost apart of me in 2015, when I lost my 2 amazing puppies, Bella (14 yrs) and Jasper (13 yrs). They have been such a huge part of my life for so long, and meant to absolute world to me.

When I lost Bella in January 2015, the day before her 14th Birthday, my amazing hubby knew that we needed to do something to honor her life, by building a garden around the tree that she loved to lay under, so we started planning a special garden that we could remember her by.

It was during the construction of this garden, that her son Jasper's health deteriorated and he crossed that Rainbow Bridge to be with his mum. So what was Bella's garden, was now dedicated to both my babies, Bella and Jasper... JASABELLA'S GARDEN.

Come Christmas 2015, my 2 girls (18months and 2.5yrs) had just started becoming interested in Tinkerbell and fairies, so it was very fitting that hubby's Aunty brought fairies with her to Christmas Celebrations, and I knew exactly where they were going to go... Jasabella's Garden!

As soon as the fairies went into the garden, it was hard to keep the girls out! They loved being in the garden and playing with the fairies, and I could not be happier!

Easter 2016, sees an opportunity present itself, and the idea has set wheels in motion... to set up a Fairy Store online (and hopefully soon Markets too.. and possibly a pop up store but that will not be for some time yet!) and there was absolutely no doubt in my mind as what this business was to be called... JASABELLA'S FAIRY GARDENS!


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