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  • Katrina

It's Official!!!!

The day has finally come, and I have launched my new little adventure for my family! It wasn't that long ago that I was only looking for things to add to our little fairy garden project in the back yard and it has evolved into a new business adventure!


I am very blessed by those friends and family around me who are helping me spread the word through social media to help me gain some exposure.

The website is up and running, and I have already had messages come through, which is very exciting!!

Knowing me, there will be a few changes over the coming days/weeks as I tweak things here and there, but I am overall very happy with what I have achieved in such a short space of time, while life is demanding with 2 little girls under 3 (with the oldest having her 3rd birthday this Friday! Seriously, the time just disappears!) I am amazed that I have the website in the state that it is in! lol

Thank you to all those who come and browse my store and I appreciate any feedback you may have for me!

Love Katrina xxx

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